

Parent portal

The Compass Portal is the primary means of communication between school staff and parents/guardians. If you do not currently have access please contact the school admin staff to request access.

School updates

Staff messages

Access reports

School fees

School Fee payment plans are set up through the Edstart platform. Choose to pay weekly, fortnightly or monthly depending on your budget.

Canteen Ordering

Place student canteen orders instantly by adding credit to their online wallet, or pay as they go using a credit/debit card.

Bus management

Start managing your child's bus journeys today with RollCall. The RollCall app has real-time travel alerts for peace-of-mind.

Uniform purchases

All uniform purchases are now made through Bob Stewart Uniforms located in Croydon.

Uniform policy

Our uniform is compulsory for all students and has been designed to promote a sense of belonging for students as well as create a positive identity for the school community.

During Terms 1 and 4 we have summer uniform which caters for the hot weather, while Terms 2 and 3 bring a warmer winter uniform. School sun hats must be worn at recess and lunch times and during outside activities throughout Terms 1 and 4.

Secondary devices

LWT is the device partner of Heritage College Knox. LWT offers education prices and accidental damage protection options.

Secondary book lists

Books required for years 7 and above can be purchased through Lilydale books. Orders completed prior to the start of December will be delivered to the school free of charge.

Secondary careers

The Career tools website helps locate University, TAFE and any other type of course offered across Australia, get information about the VCE, and search for job vacancies.